
Maria Stratford: Second Mother

Maria is the Second Mother of the House. As such

she does not concern herself with the workshops or

family business; her primary concern is the raising

and education of the children in the house. She has

a brilliant solid white fur coat and hair, the hallmark

of an 'Auroran,' so named for the first young girl with

a solid white coat, 'Aurora,' some five hundred years

earlier. While she isn't a classically trained musician

like all the other Mothers of the House, she is still a

quite skilled singer and does enjoy performing with

the others from time to time. But only if her charges

are being cared for by another: her children come

first! She is always the optimist and does her best to

find good in everyone she sees and often challenges

those who might be a bit 'grumpy' to find the best in

